Breeding Sheep
We know there are great shepherds out there looking for additions to their flock so
we offer Registered and Commercial ewe lambs and rams for sale!
We run a small flock of Registered Dorpers. Please click here to see our starter flock! We are breeding for easy keeper, well muscled stock. We do have registered stock for sale but don't always get it listed online so please contact us to see what we have available!
We also have a commercial flock of 100 Katadhin, Dorper, and Katadhin/Dorper ewes. Our ewes have been purchased from several quality flocks to give us a variety of bloodlines, as well as developing our own seed stock
We purchased a registered Dorper ram to put with our girls and are getting high quality replacement ewes to build our flock. Our replacement ewe lambs are bred to a registered Dorper ram.
It is our goal to keep changing rams only and no longer purchase replacement ewes. This enables us to move toward a more closed flock to control disease and obtain the meat stock animal that we desire.
Our ewes are pasture based and no grain except for after lambing - then just some whole oats and whole corn if second cutting hay isn't available. This keeps our girls in great body condition to be ready for breeding a few months later.
We do lamb indoors due to predators and temperatures. Our ewes pretty much take care of themselves during lambing. We don't intervene unless it is needed and we don't live in the barn during this time.
Our pastures are mixed with Kentucky blue grass, smooth broome grass, clover, and a little of whatever else we have thrown in the mix.
The mineral program consists of a special blend of minerals prepared just for sheep that is mixed 50/50 with high quality all-natural kelp. The kelp has added a much needed balance for our animals.
Our Ewe and Ram lambs are approximately 80 lbs. and above at sale time. At times we do have mature Ewes that are available for purchase.
Our commercial Rams are sold for $300 - $400 each and Ewes are sold for $225.
Call for more information and to schedule a time to see these animals.
Cheryl - 304.813.9852 or Harold - 304.813.7233