In 2018 we started our Registered Dorper Flock.

Our first registered Dorper ewe was purchased at the Southern States Dorper Sale from Missouri Dorpers!
Our first registered ram was purchased at the Southern States Dorper Sale from Fleetwood farms
Upon arrival home from the sale our registered stock were housed together resulting in the this ram!
He is 5 months old in this picture. A very nice stocky ram.

The picture on the
left is of our ram purchased at the Big Ohio 2019 Sale from T & J Farms.
The picture on the right is our ram lamb above and our T & J Farms ram. Their birthdays are just a month apart.

These are our 2 ewes purchased at the Big Ohio 2019 Sale from Windy Hollow Farms. These girls are well muscled and good frame size at 4 months old.

Purchased at the Big Ohio 2019 Sale
is our fall-born ewe from T & J Farms.
She is a well muscled large ewe at
8 months.