Let’s look at Lamb shoulder cuts! They are very versatile cuts ideal for braising and stewing!
So, what exactly is BRAISING? It is a cooking method used for meat and vegetables in which the item is browned in fat, tightly covered, and cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid.
A long cooking period at low heat helps to develop flavor and tenderize meat by breaking down it’s fibers.
Braising can be done on the stovetop, in the oven, or in a slow-cooker. A tight-fitting lid is key to preventing the liquid from evaporation.
Ok back to the shoulder cut!
You can have a simple square cut roast or get more creative with a boneless shoulder roast which you can stuff, roll, & tie.
Best cooked low and slow, the whole shoulder makes a great pot roast, slow cooker roast or extremely flavorful oven roast.
Shoulder chops require a shorter amount of cooking time than other cuts, allowing for a quick, easy and affordable meal.
The shoulder is well suited for slow roasting tenderness every time.